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Bits and Pieces Progress: Week 2

Bits and Pieces Progress: Week 2

THE PROJECT: Bits & Pieces online cooking show, Season 1 FUNDS NEEDED: $6000+ PROJECT FUNDING START DATE: Aug. 7, 2013 8pm EST PROJECT FUNDING END DATE: Sept. 7, 2013 8pm EST DAYS LEFT: 16

Bits and Pieces Progress: Week 1

Bits and Pieces Progress: Week 1

THE PROJECT: Bits & Pieces online cooking show, Season 1 FUNDS NEEDED: $6000+ PROJECT FUNDING START DATE: Aug. 7, 2013 8pm EST PROJECT FUNDING END DATE: Sept. 7, 2013 8pm EST DAYS LEFT: 22

Our Kickstarter Project: Bits and Pieces Cooking Show

Our Kickstarter Project: Bits and Pieces Cooking Show

Announcing our brand NEW online cooking show, Bits & Pieces!  Well…almost!  Here’s how.  Kickstarter is a website that lets people with crazy ideas, like us, to be able to have a platform to present a unique project idea and then raise funds for it to…

Vlog: Trip to Catalina Island

Vlog: Trip to Catalina Island

I have been forreals sick as a DAWG for the last two weeks, and just got over it now.  That meant I wasn’t sleeping, eating, or cooking.  I was simultaneously hacking up a lung, dealing with stomach problems, and super drowsy from being drugged up…

Chopped Kielbasa Stir-Fry

Chopped Kielbasa Stir-Fry

I like keeping kielbasa in my freezer to have it on-hand for the days where I don’t feel like thinking about what to cook…and this happens a lot.  I tend to buy it and freeze it, because it’s like my emergency ingredient that’s ready for…

Jam Bars

Jam Bars

Very rarely do I post a recipe here that isn’t original, or slightly tweaked with a little spunky spin.  But in this case, these jam bars were so easy to make that I wanted to post the original recipe as is.  I was thumbing through…