A Love Letter to Our Son (Life With A One Year Old)

After we made this video, it was really hard for me not to tear up a little every single time I watched it, especially at the end. It’s hard to believe that we now have a one-year-old, and he has officially graduated from baby to…

Buying NEW Discounted Target Items at Goodwill!

When I get excited about something, I HAVE to share it…so if you know me in “real life,” chances are that I’ve already told you about my new discovery. You can buy BRAND NEW DISCOUNTED Target items at Goodwill! Yes girl, so that means it’s…

Thrift Store Clothing Haul (Updating My Mom Wardrobe)

It’s not easy to accept that your body no longer looks the same and you don’t FEEL exactly the same in your old clothes after having a baby.  However, one day I started browsing through the clothing racks at Goodwill while I was there looking…

Fuelbaby Bottle Product Review (For Formula Fed Babies On The Go)

I never imagined that I would be reviewing baby bottles. In fact, I never dreamed that I’d be blogging or making YouTube videos about “mom stuff,” but here I am with my first review! I couldn’t resist when Fuelbaby contacted me and asked if I…

My First Thrift Store Home Decor Haul (Shopping at Goodwill)

I started shopping at thrift stores in college and it was a whole new world for me. I stopped after a while, but after I had our baby, something inside me wanted to start doing it again…and now I can’t stop! The thrill of the…

What Happened to Our Cooking Show?

We made this video to explain why I haven’t been able to add new recipes to this blog or produce our cooking show lately. If you’ve been following me here or on social media lately, I’m sure you figured out it’s because I’m busy being a…