Corn Chowder with Sausage : Behind the Scenes

Corn Chowder with Sausage : Behind the Scenes

The first rule in the professional kitchen is to yell “hot…behind you” when you’re crossing behind someone especially with something hot or potentially dangerous.  This time, Joe made it a point to let me know that I forgot this rule I taught him, while filming in our own kitchen.  And that’s the reason he accidentally clocked me in the head!

You wouldn’t know it, but I had to carry on shooting our Corn Chowder with Sausage video with a throbbing head because he got me good.  Joe was standing on a ladder fixing one of our cameras, with his back turned to me, and I was right behind him, reaching for my phone, when he let his elbow sail through the air at warp speed, right into my temple.

I named the incident my corn chowder concussion.  

But other than that, I’m happy to report that the rest of the shoot was pretty fine.  Okay, there was one more thing.  My pot got really dark.  And I felt like I could hear my chef instructor’s voice in the back of my head saying, “if your pot gets too dark, get a new one and start all over!”  But sorry to say, we were on a time crunch, racing the sunlight, and I do not have a spare Le Creuset kiwi green dutch oven lying around… I don’t know about you.

Behind the Scenes Corn Chowder With Sausage |

So I kept on going, and I was hustling!  I tried not to seem like I was rushing through some parts, but dude, I just wanted to get the shots done before it got totally burnt looking.

I thought it was cool, until I looked back at the footage afterwards and saw that the camera made the dark pot look WAY worse than it was in real life.  Next time I know.  But that’s why it’s sometimes difficult to film a cooking show.  You can watch some bloopers and hear what we have to say about our Corn Chowder with Sausage shoot in our vlog below.

Last time, Joe was so busy munching away during our Fish Tacos with Fresh Salsa Behind the Scenes to bother talking, that I told him to only take a few sips of his chowder this time.  Yeah… he ended up eating the whole bowl!  But that’s fine, because at least I know he truly likes it.

Since he’s not a fan of creamy things, I was pretty surprised that he scarfed it down without hesitation.  I think it has a lot to do with the fact that this chowder doesn’t ever get super thick, which I think makes it perfect for summer, because it feels a little lighter… yes, even with all that sausage!

It could also be that our photo shoot, when the filming part was over, went extra long.  I was perplexed at how to capture the chowder without it looking like a massive off-white blob in a bowl.  So I plated it in every bowl I owned and tried different layouts and backgrounds.  And then I stressed Joe out by getting him to snap as many pictures as quickly as he could before the milk based broth formed a skin from sitting out too long.

Behind the Scenes Corn Chowder With Sausage |

But I guess it paid off because I’ve actually had several friends who follow our blog, come up to me and tell me that the corn chowder looked so mouthwatering in our pictures!  It just goes to show that you never know what people will respond to sometimes.

Joe was worried that people wouldn’t be interested in a hot soup recipe in the summer time, but I went with my gut and stuck to it.  I knew I had to take advantage of the sweet summer corn that’s out right now, and you should too!  I’m glad to know that we’ve gotten some good responses already and that everything came out well in the end, despite burning pots and kitchen casualties.

3 thoughts on “Corn Chowder with Sausage : Behind the Scenes”

  • You and your husband are so cute! Thank you for making these great videos and sharing them with us – I especially love the behind the scenes. 🙂 I love me some corn chowder – any time of the year!

    • Thanks Esther. I’m glad somebody watches these behind the scenes videos. We just enjoy making them because it’s like documenting our experience, and it’s fun to look back at them. I love corn chowder any time of the year too!

  • I particularly liked seeing the intro done in your studio–you seemed so relaxed. Would you consider having Joe film your drawing process sometime? I am always so impressed by your artwork.

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