Tag: Spinach

Super Green Smoothie

Super Green Smoothie

Do you ever feel like you need to hit that reset button? I’ve been feeling that way during this brutally long winter here in Chicago, especially after coming off of the Polar Vortex where it hit -50º windchills.This cold weather just makes you crave comfort…

Beef Kimbap

Beef Kimbap

We were on en route to watch a Christmas presentation at our church, when we decided to grab something quick to eat along the way.  Luckily, there was a Korean grocery store nearby, so we grabbed a $3.00 package of kimbap and ate our dinner…

Orzo Salad with Roasted Tomatoes

Orzo Salad with Roasted Tomatoes

So one day Joe came home from work and announced, “there’s a potluck party at work for St. Patrick’s Day.  Should I participate?”  I looked at him suspiciously lovingly with one eyebrow raised and replied, “or do you really mean, should I participate?”  He insisted…