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A Parisian Baby Shower

A Parisian Baby Shower

We (the 5 of us-which included me and my sister’s friends) threw my sister, Christina, a diva-licious Parisian themed baby shower at a gorgeous rented room located in Philadelphia.  We asked Joe to help with all the design and labels as well as maternity photos…

A Birthday Surprise

A Birthday Surprise

Alice decided to throw her sister, Sarah, a surprise cooking class for her birthday, which I thought was a genius idea. They told us that on the way over to our humble abode, Sarah kept guessing where she thought Alice might be taking her. At…

An Asian Fusion Cooking Class

An Asian Fusion Cooking Class

To celebrate Carol’s birthday, she contacted me to see if I could host a cooking party for her and her friends. We met at Starbucks and got down to business. Very quickly we decided the theme would be “Asian-Fusion.” Why am I not surprised? The…

A Healthy Cooking Lesson

A Healthy Cooking Lesson

Nothing gives me greater joy than seeing people actually use and reproduce the recipes I teach them. John and Hannah are the epitome of those kinds of people. They’ve told me on numerous occasions that they made the recipes from their first lesson multiple times…

Home is Where the Heart is

Home is Where the Heart is

I’m currently in Pennsylvania, at my parents house because my grandmother passed away…sad I know…hence the reason I’ve been pretty silent on my blog lately. Joe and I hopped on the red-eye and flew over as soon as we could. Our family is small so…

How to Roast Peppers

How to Roast Peppers

Of course you can always go to the store and just buy a jar of roasted red peppers packed in olive oil, and they’re sweet and delicious.  I do it all the time, because they’re a GREAT pantry staple to have on hand.  But if…