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Asparagus Risotto

Asparagus Risotto

Risotto’s one of those dishes that seem fancy and elegant, but it’s really just rice, right? That’s why you shouldn’t be intimidated to make it. I was influenced to make an asparagus risotto as a nod to Spring. I got a fresh, juicy looking bundle…

Beef and Chicken Stir Fry

Beef and Chicken Stir Fry

As you read on the featured friday entry, I made my friend Catherine cook for us at my home using my recipe. This was a treat since no one really cooks for me, and because I was able to take pictures of the process without…

Salmon Wrapped in Rice Paper

Salmon Wrapped in Rice Paper

Confession: This recipe came out of necessity.  I was doing a catering job and I bought too many packages of rice paper.  Then I did some researching and realized that the rice paper could act as an envelope.  Immediately, I thought of the French technique…

Frozen Shrimp

Frozen Shrimp

Long story short: buy frozen shrimp. I don’t really care what brand you get, it’s not really about the brand, but frozen shrimp is a must-have staple in your freezer, unless you’re allergic to shrimp or don’t like seafood, in which case… wow (awkward silence),…

Orzo Salad with Roasted Tomatoes

Orzo Salad with Roasted Tomatoes

So one day Joe came home from work and announced, “there’s a potluck party at work for St. Patrick’s Day.  Should I participate?”  I looked at him suspiciously lovingly with one eyebrow raised and replied, “or do you really mean, should I participate?”  He insisted…

This is Bananas: Banana Bread Recipe

This is Bananas: Banana Bread Recipe

A funny thing happened on the way back home from Phoenix.  A couple of years ago, we went there randomly for a 4 day trip because we had free plane vouchers and had never been there.  From there, we decided to go to the Grand…