Month: March 2014

Final Touches

Final Touches

The kitchen was the last room to be finished in our condo renovation, but can you blame me?  It’s what I cared about the most.  I kind of felt like Carrie Bradshaw in the Sex in the City Movie when she was apartment hunting in…

Making progress

Making progress

Who knew that standing in an empty room, staring at freshly painted walls could feel SO satisfying?  In case you’ve missed it, I’ve been doing a little series about our condo renovation.  It’s an old unit that had been uninhabited for years, and needed a…

Mussels in White Wine Sauce

Mussels in White Wine Sauce

The first time I ever cooked mussels was when I was in culinary school.  We learned to cook them simply with butter, shallots, parsley, and white wine.  But then again, I went to a French school and it seemed like we always used those ingredients! …

Building good foundation

Building good foundation

Today I’m sharing with you the beginning stages of our condo reconstruction.  The pictures might seem like a crazy collage of chaos to you, but this was the stage where we had a glimmer of hope that this could be our home.  Last time I…