Vlog: What We Do For Fun in Orange County Part 2

Vlog: What We Do For Fun in Orange County Part 2

Yowzas!  When I posted the video: What We Do For Fun in Orange County Part 1 weeks ago, I had no idea I wasn’t going to be able to get around to editing part 2 until now.  Sorry folks.  It’s been a crazy month.  In fact, going into the month of August, I was actually dreading it, knowing that it would be so hectic and mentally draining.  As you may have read in my previous post, Joe and I had given our 30 day notice to our apartment and were on our way to Chicago when we suddenly got derailed.  I told you that we had many important decisions to make, and I kept you hanging in SUSPENSE!  Well, here’s what we decided to do.  

So basically, Joe got offered a new job, two weeks before we were to move out of our apartment, and most likely, out of California altogether.  We were planning to do that so we could pursue working full-time together on our business, with the support of our family.  But when Joe got offered this position, it shook things up like a California earthquake!  After much contemplation, he decided to take the job and we then had to scramble like MAD to find a new place to live.  This sure caused a ruckus!

But I am happy and relieved to say that with about one week to spare, we have found a place and even booked movers.  Hallelujah!  I even met a new friend from the leasing office who has now become one of our blog readers!  Man, I guess I can’t complain about the new apartment now… just kidding!

In fact, it’s been such a busy week, that I had to edit this vlog in between packing boxes, as my “break.”  So don’t mind me if the video is a little loopy.  I had some fun with this one.  It was my stress reliever.  I hate packing.  So yes, in a nut shell, this means we will be staying in Southern California!  So it’s actually very fitting for me to post a video about what we do for fun in Orange County.  I hope you enjoy it.

As you know, my friend Shauna came to visit me from the East Coast.  She was here for her cousin’s wedding, but spent most of her time with us.  When the two of us get together, you never know what’s gonna happen!

We ate delicious things like turkey and avocado sandwiches, and Korean BBQ at home.

Then we even got to relax a little on the beach.  But enough explaining.  You can just watch our adventures in my video below:

Remember to subscribe to our youtube channel and watch What We Do For Fun in Orange County Part 1 if you haven’t already.

Lastly, a sincere thanks to those who have been so generous, encouraging, and supportive during our hectic and confusing times.  I loved all your messages, emails, and prayers.  I feel like a big burden has been lifted, but it hasn’t been an easy month by any means.  Your kindness has helped us endure it all!

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