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The Poor Good Old Days

The Poor Good Old Days

As I was scrolling through some old photos on my computer, I realized that I had taken a lot of documentary-style pictures of what my life was like in New York as a single and eager foodie except I didn’t post them up on my…

Making Basic Basil and Mint Pesto

Making Basic Basil and Mint Pesto

When I want a great summertime, no fuss meal, I automatically think of pesto pasta.  Learning how to make pesto is a great thing to have in your back pocket because it’s also a practical way to get rid of bits and pieces of leftover…

A Birthday Cooking Party for Kids

A Birthday Cooking Party for Kids

I got in trouble with Joe because he took all the pictures for this entry and I kept hounding and HOUNDING him to edit and upload them so i could post them on the blog. When he finally got around to them, I suddenly became…

Learning to Cook Easy Meals

Learning to Cook Easy Meals

A couple months back, I ran a cooking class as an alternative to a bachelorette party. Two of the students there were friends, Kim and Jane. They joked about being the most attentive students of the class, and they really enjoyed the experience. Therefore, they…

Welcome to California Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Welcome to California Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

If you know me personally then you know two things about me.  One is that I don’t necessarily enjoy baking because it’s so precise, and the other is when I do bake, it usually includes bananas.  I feel like bananas are the baker’s cheating ingredient.…

Simply Fancy French

Simply Fancy French

This entry is a bit overdue, but I was busy being a bridesmaid over in New Jersey and on top of that, I recently sprained my arm and it’s in a sling.  So I’m typing this entry very slowly with my left hand. This unfortunately…