Our Baby’s 100th Day Celebration (Korean Tradition)

Our Baby’s 100th Day Celebration (Korean Tradition)

Back in the olden days of Korea, when your baby turned 100 days old, it was considered a big deal because that meant that the mortality rate dropped down drastically and it was safe to say that you were in the clear.  Nowadays, this is…

Our First Day As Parents (Going Home with Baby!)

Neither Joe nor I had much experience with babies, especially newborns, before Lincoln.  We had to learn how to properly put on a diaper, swaddle him, and read his hunger vs. tired cues. It’s amazing looking back at how we were this first day because…

My Labor and Delivery Story

While I was huffing and puffing through my contractions, I didn’t necessarily enjoy having a camera in my face, especially because I had been laboring alone in the middle of the night by myself for HOURS!  But in hindsight, I’m glad we captured this moment…

Baby Daddy

Baby Daddy

I’ve been truly humbled by how good of a dad my husband has turned out to be. I was honestly nervous about what he would be like when Lincoln was born because I never pegged him to be the nurturing type. I’m so happy to…

Light at the end of the tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnel

Today gave me a glimmer of hope for the first time in two months that I could get my groove back. Just yesterday, Lincoln was super fussy all morning and all I could accomplish was drinking water. Today he surprised me by legitimately smiling at…

You can’t do it alone

You can’t do it alone

What I realized as a new mom is that other moms are your greatest resource…they’re better than Google! Tonight my friend Sandy dropped by, after she put her own kids to bed, with 10 quart containers of homemade soup! Then as she witnessed Lincoln crying…