Spicy Korean Ramen Challenge : Celebrating 1000 Subscribers!

Spicy Korean Ramen Challenge : Celebrating 1000 Subscribers!

We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate that we have reached 1000 subscribers on our Youtube Channel than to inflict pain on ourselves for your entertainment.  

I know that 1000 subscribers might seem like small beans for some of you, but this is like a milestone for us, and we couldn’t be happier!  It indicates that we’re on the right path, and we just have to keep going.

It was a slow growing process, and it still is, but we feel like we made it one step further in our journey.  So thank you for watching our cooking videos, and subscribing.  It means the world to us and it actually helps us out a lot.  So if you haven’t subscribed already, you can do it now:

The more subscribers you have, the more opportunities you eventually get, so that number is actually really important.  So since we FINALLY busted out of the triple digit range, we just want to celebrate and say thanks!

There’s a Spicy Korean Ramen Challenge going around on Youtube, and it’s pretty hilarious.

1000 Subscribers Spicy Korean Ramen Challenge | ChefJulieYoon.com

We just wanted to join in on the fun, but didn’t know what to expect because we’re Korean after all… how bad could it be?  I guess you’ll have to check out the video to find out!  Thanks for your support.  We truly appreciate you.  Oh, and of course, Happy Thanksgiving!

4 thoughts on “Spicy Korean Ramen Challenge : Celebrating 1000 Subscribers!”

  • Several years ago we got some Thom Yum ramen from the local Asian food store. It was ‘Creamy’ Thom Yum, so we were not expecting the burn. Gave my daughter actual burns on her tongue, poor kid. Never again.

    Next time, why don’t you celebrate with chocolate? That’s something that I’ll join in!

    • YIKES! Burns on her tongue?? Wow… no we didn’t have that experience with this ramen. But it was definitely spicier than we thought for sure though! Yeah, maybe next time we should do something that REWARDS us huh? Haha…

  • Congratulations on this amazing milestone!!!

    I have heard about this ramen and now I have to try it and see for myself. But yes, seeing you guys sweat makes me want to eat it too! hahaha. 🙂

    • Thanks Esther! Isn’t it weird how it makes you want to eat it too? A few people from our church did this challenge for FUN after they watched this video. Haha!

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