Feeling Under the Weather

Feeling Under the Weather

I wish I had a Snuggie… and a Keurig coffee machine… and some wonton soup. I’ve been craving wontons in chicken broth for days now. And then i realized it’s because I was getting sick. Joe and I have been fighting it off for weeks. It started with Joe saying that his throat was itchy.  A week later, his ear turned weird. He suddenly couldn’t hear out of his left ear. He even went to the doctor and there was apparently nothing wrong. He took some prescription meds and tried to wait it out. I as a wife of course was worried. I started developing sympathy pains. My throat started getting itchy… my contacts started blurring.  

Then I started skipping meals and losing my appetite…SAY WHAT? Yeah, I guess it was THAT bad.  We’ve been in denial, but then last night, around 7pm, we both looked at each other and knew we were sick. This is the first time in our marriage where we were sick at the same time. Usually one makes the other sick, so we take turns being miserable and cranky. Last night, we both sipped on Theraflu and Joe went to sleep at 10pm. He still went in to work today… poor guy.

In other news, I’ve been working on reorganizing our youtube channel. We also have another product placement video we need to finish editing, which we hope to post tomorrow or some time this week.  It’s going slow, but our goal is to one day become youtube partners, so if you like our videos, please subscribe to our channel. It will definitely help us reach our goal.

Last night, Joe was in no mood to edit photos I took, and I was in no mood to write an entry for it.  So here I am, practically lying down in sweat pants and glasses and struggling to type this. If I have grammatical errors or run-on sentences, then show me some grace.  And if I don’t make any sense, then yeah, that’s normal.

I blame the crazy weather lately. It was cold, then burning hot, then cold again. Today it’s cloudy and gloomy… which is the perfect backdrop to the way I look and feel.  I don’t feel like eating again. Maybe I’ll sip on some hot chocolate and comfort my soul.


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